Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More Labor Day Photos

Some new construction is happening in Leetonia with a nice new shed behind the old Ottman Camp.

Jessie McRee, Elliott Garr, Michael Terinoni, Kenny, and Vinnie Marzollo, hang out on the Ostrander porch. The camp was full of musical instruments and it appears everyone was enjoying the great weather we had for the weekend. The camp although small was filled with the comfort of relaxing on a summer day in Leetonia.

Inside the camp is the old cook stove that has been there as long as
Vance Ostrander can remember. It was hot and cooking corn bread while I was there. The warm stove left a comforting feel to the crisp morning.

Petites were also up and plan to stay to the end of this week and enjoy the camp after the masses leave from the Labor Day weekend. It is back to work this morning as I am supervising someone completing a job for me today. I will be so glad when I am able to do my own work again. It is hard to be a bystander.

I got word my daughter-in-law's father died this morning after a long bout with cancer. It never seems like the ones we love stick around long enough and I had a warning from my son not to plan to exit this earth soon. So with that command I remain to write a little more about Leetonia and do what so many have done before me here...take one day at a time. Mountain girl, Paula, logging out.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the great pics of the camp - we'll be sure to bring some of the old photos from the 20s and 30s next time we're down. Just as a detail, Vance's last name - and mine - is "Ostrander" with a d!

Carolyn O, from the old
Slide Island Draft Rod & Gun Club
(and old-time music hall, I guess!)

eaglebear said...

Sorry about the typo. I got your name right once and then messed it up. Email me directly at campeaglebear@yahoo.com to let me know when you will be coming up next.