Saturday, January 16, 2010

Warm up!

The grandchildren have been up this week keeping me running. It started out cold -10 at night but today is up in the 40's and melting the snow fast.
Sam pulled a large icicle down (first one on left) and Reilly decided to make herself into a icicle unicorn.
The youngest of the four is four and the oldest 13. I can tell you keeping up with them is harder than any construction job.
I think my neck is permanently in a kink trying to keep track of them while pulling them on the sleds behind the four wheeler.
A lot of people are up for the weekend hoping to snowmobile, however the roads are marginal. Still I am sure they all will have fun unless we get the freezing rain Sunday. Lee is coming back from Arizona today and I am headed off with the grandchildren to Illinois on Monday to help them remodel their basement. Work has been slow here so it is a good time to go help. Guess it is Lee's turn to hold down the fort.

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