Monday, December 5, 2011

Deer Season in full swing

Saturday, Donald Robblee, walked up to my camp with a big smile on his face. He told me he had just shot a large buck up Misner Trail behind Hook's Cabin and drug it down to their place. The problem was his truck was on the other side of the mountain.
So I drove around and picked up his truck and helped him put this buck in the back. It was all we could do for both of us to lift it. He estimated in weighed about 140lbs and figured it to be pretty old as it ears had been torn up from past fights and its eyes didn't seem good.
The interesting part is the deer only had 5 points three on one side and two on the other, but the spread was over 17.5". So this deer proved that points don't necessary predict age or size.
I got a free dinner out for picking up his truck and with Lee Anne still gone helping her sister it was nice having food that wasn't out of a can or a box. Robblee also shot a coyote while deer hunting. Seems to be quite a few of them out as well. Didn't see too many others with deer so far but thought you would enjoy this.

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