Sunday, February 8, 2009

Warm weather ices roads

This is what the road looks like in front of the house. The temperatures are above freezing and have turned what is left of the snow on the road into ice. In places where they don't plow it has made the snow soft. If you try to drive on unplowed areas when the temperatures are above freezing you will be stuck. So much for my road warnings.

I had to wear cleated shoes to walk the dogs this morning and the wind was blowing fairly strong. About half way up the mountain I heard a crack and turned around to watch a tree fall. When I started to think about how many years that tree had been growing and in what a short time it fell; I thought what were the chances I would be walking close enough in the whole lifetime of that tree to be there for that few seconds? Often when the wind blows hard you can hear trees fall, but rarely are you looking right at one when it happens. I will have to say I stay out of the pine forest when the wind is hard because very often a branch will fall and I don't want to get hit in the head by it. When the tree fell the dogs alerted to the possibility of some animal making noise and looked at it for some time waiting for it to move again. When it didn't they were on to the next smell or movement they could see. I am sure they didn't put as much thought into the tree fall as I did. Well, I am off to put some windows in will the weather is warm. Mountain girl, Paula, logging off.

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