Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mountain girl uses for a hair dryer

It seems our hair dryer gets used more for projects then drying hair. Lee decided it would be a great way to fast dry some stain on boards so we can get them up today. With a cold 40 degrees this morning stain and varnish won't dry. This isn't the first time our hair dryer has been used for non-hair drying applications. It is my go to in the winter for frozen pipes. I have one pipe when it gets really cold that will freeze up between the well and house. The pipe wasn't buried deep enough since the cabin was mainly used during warmer parts of the year. The pipe runs inside a pipe and allows me to blast hot air into it to melt any frozen areas. Once the water is running it stays good on its own. Sometimes I let the water drip slightly overnight during the problem times to keep it from freezing. But there is the occasional time when I forget and the hair dryer has always done its thing.
I usually let my hair air dry so the air dryer is used for hair mainly on guests. Mountain girl, Paula, logging out.

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