Monday, January 7, 2008

Fran Weigley "Ottman"

I just finished talking to Fran Weigley who is now 85 and lived in Leetonia during its CCC days. She is the daughter of Norman and Beatrice Ottman who moved to Leetonia after the crash in 29'. My understanding was that they lived in the "Square Camp", which I believe to be the older Cassel place which is Red. Her dad was able to live rent free and she believes he feed them mostly with free deer meat. Later on he worked at the CCC camp in a manager position.

I talked with Fran for nearly two hours and you can always tell a true Leetonia person. Their love and memory of the place never dies. The town has changed alot since she lived there and I will be sharing much more with you when I get it all written down. For now here are a few things to think about and add to if you know any information.

Fran mentioned a water wheel in Cedar Run Creek near the Petite Camp. She thinks it was purely decorative, but isn't sure if it had any real purpose. The Ottman's also lived in the Herre Camp for a while after the Square Camp fire, so if any of you Herre people remember information about that let me know. If you were part of a bucket brigade to put out the Square Camp Fire you may also add to that conversation. Do you know anything about a pet bear keep by Mr Lutz at the Herre Camp in the 30's please add? For now I am gathering pictures and collecting all of the memories Fran gave me tonight into something that will be fun and educational to read. You all have a Great Leetonia night and dream of a time when the CCC worked and lived in Leetonia and there were only two phones in town. Mountain girl, Paula, logging out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the wonderful work you are doing with your site. I enjoy each and every blog immensely and am happy to see you and my Aunt Fran got to dialog. She probably can fill in some of the history of Leetonia and her time there during the CCC camps. I truly look forward to reading future stories and please keep the pictures coming.

Fred Espenship (Grandson of Norman Ottman)