Sunday, June 7, 2009

Road Rally Saturday

Saturday was the day of the race and the constant hum of traffic in front of the cabin was confusing at first to the dogs and annoying to the humans. The dogs are used to seeing a couple of cars a day and we saw more cars in one day than we will for the rest of the year. It didn't take long for the dogs to just sit and watch from the yard as the masses went by. They didn't bark unless a car slowed down or tried to turn around in the drive.

The amount of dust made by this constant traffic made it difficult
to work outside. It also made us glad we don't live in the city where seeing a constant stream of traffic is normal. Although, I doubt most city traffic drivers think they are part of a road rally and drive speeding around turns meant for 25 mph at about 50. You have to be so careful if you travel against the stream of traffic that you aren't run off the road. After last year's accident I was more than cautious. Mountain girl, Paula, logging off and glad the rally is over.

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