Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fall in Cedar Run

This summer has been so dry I thought I would get a picture from the old train bridge just North of Cedar Run. It is now part of the rails to trails and is shown in the first picture.

The second picture shows the creek bed close to the bridge so dry you could walk across most of the creek. The third picture is looking downstream from the bridge and shows the poor water level continuing.

Last night we got our first decent rain in months, which gave some relief to the plants. I didn't notice much of an increase in the river level. I swear you could almost hear the sound of the trees slurping up the water as fast as it came down. I believe we got a couple inches of rain. Looks like a chance of rain during a couple days next week and that will continue to help things out.

Lee and I were also invited to Brad's house for dinner last night. He had his friends over: David to the far left, Walt, me, Lee and
Brad. Lee cooked a peach pie and some summer squash and the boys cooked up some nice chicken, a salad, and some mixed vegetables. We had a good time visiting and enjoyed the company.

The leaves by my estimate are about 20 percent changed. The next couple weeks will show the big display before the gray of winter. I always enjoy natures last good show.

Mountain girl, Paula, logging off.

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