Sunday, August 24, 2008

Elderberries in Leetonia

I was reminded by Fran to send you a picture of the elderberries. My grandmother used to make jam from them and I have had others who have made pie and wine from them. It seems they are usually ripe around Labor day, but different plants ripen at different times. As you can see from the two pictures taken from plants less than 20 foot apart the first one is still green and the second turning red.

They seem to be a little smaller than last year to me but maybe my memory was jarred too much from the accident. The trouble with getting them is the bears take the whole plant in one night the
second they get ripe so you have to be ever so vigilant.

I have been motivated by Fran's email to try a pie this year. The tartness of the berries lends itself well to such a pie and according to Fran they are wonderful. So this will be a first for the mountain girl I will let you know how it turns out.

The apples on the property make the world's best apple pie for the reason of their tartness so I am thinking the same will be true of the elderberries. The apples won't be ready until October so the elderberries will be a nice fill in.

I think being in this brace has given me a sweet tooth lately. Something I hope I am not sorry for when I have to get back into shape. Mountain girl, Paula, logging out and looking forward to an elderberry pie.

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