Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Labor day weekend and Leetonia was full of children having fun the old fashioned way. The six boys left to right are Timmy Shey, Lee Cassel, Owen Shey, Wyat Grundon, Casey Ahern, and Colton Cassel. They construted two elaborate play forts. The first one being for action figures and the one in the second picture for civil war figures. It appears several of the civil war figures were also trenched in for battle in the third photo.

The girls: Kortney Ebersole, Hannah Ebersole, Madeline Grundon and Toni Ritrovito appear ready to do battle with some unknown foe in the Leetonia area. I hope for the boys sake they aren't on the list of foes cause these girls look serious.

A combination of Ebersoles and Cassels surrounded a feeding table close to the Ebersole camp. I don't believe anyone starved during the weekend. They also had a few games the adults participated in. A friendly game of horseshoes and a game called, "Bongo," which looks like something a golfer made up to use up his old golf balls.

Two racks are made up of 1/2" PVC and they are placed about 15'
apart. The throwing balls are two golf balls with holes drills all the

way through them and attached together with about 12" of rope. There are a total of 6 sets of these balls, 3 sets of one color and 3 sets of another color. The object is to stand at one end and rap the balls around the horizontal bar. The top bar is worth one point, the middle two points and the bottom three points.

I don't have a copy of the rules for winning the game, but I am sure you can make up your own. I tried it for a bit and it seems very addictive. The last picture shows one of the PVC racks.
The upper area of cabins seemed full of people for the weekend. The Anthracite Camp of Fred and Judy Wise, were busy repairing inside their cabin as they had just finished putting on a new steel roof this summer.

I will post some more Labor Day Weekend pictures tomorrow as there was just too much going on for one post. Hope you all had as much fun as they did in Leetonia this weekend. Mountain girl, Paula, logging out.

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