Sunday, May 20, 2007

Palm Trees in Cedar Run?

No these aren't palm trees. These are some tall white pines down at Cedar Run at the Creekside Canyon Lodge owned by Bill and Liz Wolfram. The tree were endangering the safety of the camp some having serious rotten cores. Mike Campbell had trimmed the side branches off at the point of these pictures and is up in the top with a chain saw. It must be at least sixty feet up to the point he is sawing.

Watching someone work holding a chain saw in one hand and swinging from tree to tree effortlessly give you the illusion that this work is easy. Take it from me controlling a chain saw when you are firmly rooted to the ground can be enough of a challenge to do safely for most people.

Many people are injured and sadly killed up here every year in the logging industry and just trying to trim up their own trees. Be careful lets make 2007 a safe chain saw year.

The pine will be remembered by a chain saw carving I will be doing for the Wolfram's out of the large trunk to this tree. Also I am getting three large pieces of the tree brought up to do more carvings. Each piece is 3 foot in diameter and 10' long. Lots of fun for Paula and hopefully some nice animal additions at the camp.

Mountain Girl, Paula, logging out!

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